Our values guide us at every step of the design process. We have five core values at PARCTA.


We are at our best when we are authentically ourselves. Our products allow for self-expression of individuality, infusing intention into homes and daily practices.


Our material and manufacturing decisions prioritise durability, functionality and practicality. Opposing fast trends, we pursue enduring aesthetics, each design decision made carefully, resulting in products with decennial lifespans.


The best decisions are made thoughtfully. We strive to bring intention into the home, infusing greater presence and mindfulness into the everyday.


We aspire to be unique in our design, applying a multidisciplinary design approach, which takes inspiration from architecture, photography, design and travel.


Take yourself back to your favourite memories at the homes of family and friends. There is a certain
warmth and authenticity found in those spaces. We design for the hoster of countless dinner parties and afternoon soirees.

PARCTA Stories

Occasionally, receive updates on new objects and upcoming events.